Irresponsible usage of Facebook

About a week ago, I decided to stop checking Facebook.  Well…kind of.

About a year ago, i wanted too but felt compelled to check in on my ‘social network’.  I never had much to say or post, but somehow it defined a social responsibility to my ‘friends’.  To read and support their ramblings…to ‘like’ and participate in things that were beyond my usual normal grasp.  To be spammed by business ventures that I really didn’t care much about.

But somewhere along the line with privacy concerns and losing true sense of a personal ‘touch’, I stopped reading Facebook updates.  Though I may still log into Facebook chat and am grateful for contacts at my fingertips, I still wonder if my usage of Facebook is irresponsible?

Will Facebook change privacy settings?  Will my lack of involvement expose my network of so called ‘friends’?

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